
Years of Experience

We Manufacture
Residential, Sanitary
and Storage

With us, you invest in the quality and reliability of container solutions.


Years of Experience


We manufacture, design, and assemble a wide range of metal structures - from residential and office containers to sanitary and storage spaces. We offer detailed production of containers, including complete delivery of all parts such as wall cladding, doors, windows, and more.

We have been implementing diverse projects since 2011. Based in Vranovice - Kelčice, we deliver containers throughout the Czech Republic and Europe. Experts in our team have years of practice and are at the top of their field. We are committed to meeting all our customers' expectations with high-quality services and reliable custom products.


Quality Certificates


Completed projects


Partner countries

Categories Products

We design, manufacture, and distribute residential, sanitary, and office containers, including their assembly and setups.

High quality



Personal approach

Steel Residential Containers:
Universal solutions for your needs

Durability & Longevity

Metal structures are characterized by high durability and long lifespan. The quality and durability of steel containers qualify them as materials resistant to impacts and adverse weather conditions.

Flexibility & Modularity

Naše kontejnery umožňují snadné změny, rozšíření a stěhování. Jsou flexibilní a prostor je možné snadno upravit podle aktuálních potřeb. Můžeme začít s přízemní sestavou a v budoucnu přidat patro, či budovu rozšířit horizontálně

Want to know more?
Fill out a brief form without obligation

Learn about your options and how we can help you build your dream project.

Inquiry form

Thanks to our 3D models, you can better align your vision with the final implementation. We offer exceptional design and comfort for your needs.

Final Realization

3D Container Modeling

Our Certifications

AAA Czech Stability Award

Bisnode certifikát udělený pod záštitou Czech Top 100. Jedna z ekonomicky nejstabilnějších firem v České republice a splňuje nejpřísnější ekonomická kritéria.

Registr solventních firem

Tato firma patří do Registru solventních firem. U těchto firem nebyly v dostupných zrojích zaznamenány žádné významější negativní události spojené se solvencí.

Top rating

Tato ocenění získávají společnosti, které si udržely hodnocení rizikového faktoru D&B Ratingu na nejvyšší možné úrovni 1 po dobu minimálně 12 měsíců.

We ride

with your company

Since 2016, we have been involved in advertising on race cars. Our services include the entire process from planning to the execution of the advertising campaign, all aimed at best promoting your company.

We use race cars as mobile advertising platforms to ensure maximum reach of your advertisement.